Exercises to Prepare for Skiing – Get Ready for Your Ski Holiday!
Are exercises to prepare for your skiing holiday really necessary? It will depend mostly on your level of fitness but skiing is physically demanding and works many muscles in ways that they aren’t often used in day to day life. So, our recommendation? Yes! It’s always a good idea to start introducing some ski exercises to your exercise or daily routine roughly 8-12 weeks before you hit the slopes. But fear not, you don’t need to be limbered to the level of a pro athlete. Some simple mobility and strength moves will do just fine and to make things as easy as possible, we’ve rounded some up here for you.
In this article:
How fit do you need to be to ski
Gym Exercises to prepare for skiing
Stay fit for skiing year round
How fit do you need to be to ski?
A fairly average level of cardiovascular fitness and strength will be required to make the most out of your holiday. There is nothing worse than aches and pains getting in the way of your precious time on the slopes, so engaging in some light to medium exercise before you head off is a useful way to ensure you’re ready to make the most of it!
Ideally, you should already been keeping active a few times a week. You will likely be out on the slopes for up to 8 hours a day so your body will need to be prepared.
7 Ski Exercises to do at Home
Getting yourself slope ready couldn’t be easier and can even be done from home. Here we have rounded up 7 ski exercises which will help to strengthen your muscles and improve your mobility before you hit the slopes.
- For a standard squat, stand with your feet roughly hip width apart.
- Slowly squat down as though you are going to sit down and aim to lower your butt to knee level for a
- Rise back up at the same pace and clench your glutes at the top.
- Try to maintain the load between squats, avoiding fully standing up and locking your knees. Your knees should remain outwards and track over your toes.
To intensive the movement, move slower and squat deeper.
Push your wait down through your heels, you should be able to wiggle your toes.
Top tip: Keep your shoulders back, your upper body straight, relax your chin and engage your core.
Jump Squats
For jump squats, repeat the process as with a standard squat. However, increase the speed of the movement and drive yourself off of the floor on the way up.
Top tip: Be sure to bend your knees as you land and continue to clench your glutes at the top.
Lateral Skaters
Later skaters are a dynamic move which enable you to simultaneously increase strength and cardiovascular fitness.
- Bend your left leg to lower your knee and hips slightly, then push explosively off your left foot to jump to the right side, landing on your right leg bending down in the same way on this side.
- Repeat to the other side.
Forward Lunges
- Start with your feet together, roughly hip distance apart.
- Step one leg forward and bend down so the front leg forms a right angle. Your back leg should be almost touching the floor.
- Try to maintain the load between lunges, avoiding fully standing up and locking your knees.
Top tip: Keep your shoulders back and your upper body nice and straight. Keep your eye gaze forward with your chin up and try to maintain an engaged core throughout.
1 Legged Dead Lift
The single leg dead lift is a great way to tone your glutes and improve strength and balance.
- Begin standing upright with your feet hip distance apart, slowly learn forward
- Standing upright, extend your hands in front of you as you slowly lean forward, leading with your chest. Slowly lift one leg out behind you, and keep you base leg slightly bend to maintain balance.
- Return to standing and repeat on the other side.
Top tip: Increase the intensity by using a weighted object. If you don’t have any weights at home, use something simple such as a tin of food.
A strong core is essential an maintaining overall strength and stability. This simple and effective movement, targets the whole abdominal area and is an absolute staple in any core fitness routine.
- Lie face down flat on the floor, resigning on your elbows.
- With your elbows rested on the floor, push your hips up and elevate onto your toes.
Top tip: Keep your head and eye gaze down and esure that your hips level with the rest of your body and not lifted up into the air.
Russian Twists
This abdominal exercise is great for strengthening the obliques. Improved strength in this area is key for maintaining core stability as you turn and make your way down the mountain.
- Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet pressing into the floor.
- Hold your hands out infront of your chest and lean back slightly.
- Twist to the left, moving your hands across your body inline with your chest and then move back across to the right
- Repeat.
Top tip: If you don’t have weights at home, use something such as a tin of beans or a bottle of water to intensify the movement. You can also lift your feet just off the ground and hover them there throughout the exercise.
An at Home Ski Fitness Plan
Each of the above at home ski exercises can be done together to form a simple yet effective home ski exercise routine. It’s important to adjust the routine to your level of fitness and this can be done by simply increasing or decreasing the exercise and rest duration. You should also always ensure you warm up and cool down effectively to avoid injury.
Why not make the most of our simple 7 day pre ski exercise plan at home.
5 Gym Exercises to Prepare for Skiing
Whilst a broad range of ski exercises can be completed at home, if you already attend the gym, you may want to incorporate some ski based movements into your gym visits. Gym equipment can be a great way to intensify movements or simply train some different areas.
Note: Always check the instructions on each machine and attend a gym induction to familiarise yourself with equipment if you’re new to using gym machines.
Leg press
Leg presses are seated exercises completed on a leg press machine.
- Once you have chosen your weight, start by sitting with your back against a padded backrest and your feet on two large footrests. Your knees are bent to start the exercise.
- To move the weight, you must straighten your legs and then return them to the bent position.
Weighted Squats
- Add your chosen weights to a barbell and carefully lift it above your head and behind your neck, resting it at the top on the meaty part between your shoulders.
- Stand with your feet roughly hip width apart.
- Slowly squat down as though you are going to sit down and aim to lower your butt to knee level for a
- Rise back up at the same pace and clench your glutes at the top.
- Try to maintain the load between squats, avoiding fully standing up and locking your knees. Your knees should remain outwards and track over your toes.
Weighted Side Lunge
- Similar the skater move but a slow and controlled movement using a kettle bell.
- Select an appropriate weight kettle bell and hold this in one hand, by right side.
- Step back and behind your right leg, with your left leg bending your knee down parallel to the ground.
- Move back to the left side, maintaining the load of your supporting leg and repeat.
- Repeat the move 15 times and change leg.
Step Machine
The step machine is a great way to improve muscular strength whilst also improving cardiovascular fitness.
Simply step onto the machine, select your speed and resistance and get stepping!
Cable Machine Crunch
- Begin by loading your chosen weight onto the machine and kneel down facing the machine.
- Grasp the handles with both hands and anchor behind head.
- Keep your hips up away from your heels, then engage your core to crunch straight down towards floor, keeping your hips and lower body still.
- With control, lift your torso back up to starting position.
- Repeat.
Top tip: You should never feel this in your lower back. If you do, try lowering your weight and checking your form.
5 Ski Warm Up Exercises
So, you’ve done all your ski exercises in the run up to your holiday and now you’re ready to hit the slopes. But, whatever your level of fitness, it’s always really important to warm up before engaging in physical activity. And as we all now know, a day on the slopes is no different! So why not try these 5 quick warm up ski exercises in the morning before you get going…
Leg Swings
Stand on one leg (gently support yourself on the wall so you don’t fall), then swing the first leg back and forth. Try and keep your upper body upright and still- try not to wobble! You should try and aim for 20-30 repetitions on each leg to get the muscles moving and the blood pumping. This pre-ski exercise will help to stretch your hamstrings, gluteal muscles and hip flexors which your legs will thank you for once you’re on the slopes.
Butt Kicks
Step kick your buttocks. Aim for about 20-30 reps if possible (more if you’re feeling fit!). This will stretch your quadriceps muscles (front of the thigh) and is a crucial pre-ski warm up move to help ensure that you don’t pull your quads or have any undue muscle aches the following day.
Horizontal Leg Swings
Repeat the leg swings which you started this pre-ski warm up with, but this time swing your leg across the front of your body in a sideways motion (think of a clock’s pendulum!) Keep your torso still and face front. This pre-ski exercise will work to beautifully warm up the hip and gluteal area. Try for 20 reps on each leg in turn.
Upper Body Warm Up
It’s a common error to neglect your upper body in the morning’s warm up. Make sure you don’t fall into that trap; your arms will do almost as much of a work out as your legs when skiing with poles and riding the lifts all day. Try some shoulder shrugs, arm rotations and side leans to increase the blood flow to your torso and upper limbs, you’ll be glad you did.
As you know now, squats are the ultimate ski exercise. A few sets before you leave the chalet to warm up your thighs is a great way to avoid injury out on the mountain.
Stay fit for a Ski Season
Persistence is key when it comes to staying fit for the ski season. And, let’s face it! When in Meribel, surrounded by fantastic food and wine, it’s easy to let things slip. With over 20 years experience of season life, our advice is to enjoy everything in moderation. Enjoy the irresistible savoyard delicacies but be consistent and disciplined when it comes to your ski exercises.
Stay fit for Skiing Year Round
Staying fit for skiing all year round can feel like a big challenge but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Getting active a few times a week, consistently, throughout the year will keep you in perfectly adequate skiing shape and ready to hit the slopes come December.
(Ski) Fitness top tips
Whilst good health and fitness is definitely needed for a long day on the slopes, you don’t have to be an exercise enthusiast to enjoy your time on the mountain. All in all, little and often is the perfect recipe for ensuring ski fitness in time for the winter season. So, here are our top tips:
- Get active 2-3 times a week
- Try to exercise for at least 3o minutes at a time
- Engage in exercises that focus on strengthening and stretching the lower body
- Maintain a strong core
- Be consistent!
Ready to hit the slopes?
Now that you’ve got your pre-ski exercise routine nailed down, it’s time to get going and prepare for the slopes. If you haven’t booked your next ski holiday yet, take a look at our remaining availability here. If you have any questions, simply get in touch and member of the team would be pleased to help.